We would love for you to be involved in sharing our pledge on your social media feed during International Women's Week.

We have created 3 versions of the pledge in different colours so that you can pick the colour you like best!
You can download the pledge here.
You can use any of the suggested captions below or create your own. But make sure to tag us and use the hashtag #DisruptYourFeed
Our channels are:
Instagram & Twitter: @the_female_lead
LinkedIn, Facebook, Tiktok, YouTube: @thefemalelead
Suggested captions:
1. A study by @the_female_lead found that following positive and empowering influencers can #DisruptYourFeed & improve your mental health. I nominate the inspiring @____________ (INSERT NAME OF YOUR CHOICE) for you to follow. Who do you nominate?
2. Research shows a link between negative social media use and depression, anxiety and eating disorders. A study by @the_female_lead found that scrolling with purpose & following positive influencers can #DisruptYourFeed and improve your mental health. https://www.thefemalelead.com/disrupt-your-feed
3. Who we follow on social media can have a huge impact on our mental health and confidence. Follow someone you respect & who empowers you. I nominate @__________ (INSERT NAME OF YOUR CHOICE) for you to follow. Pledge To #DisruptYourFeed with @thefemalelead by following new & inspiring people.
4. Today we take a stand to challenge the algorithm and promote healthier and more positive social media use. Choose to scroll with purpose and follow someone who you respect & who empowers you. Pledge to #DisruptYourFeed with @the_female_lead.
5. Research by @the_female_lead found that following a diverse array of positive and empowering people with different views, stories and cultures can #DisruptYourFeed and improve your mental health. I nominate @____________ (INSERT NAME OF YOUR CHOICE) for you to follow.
FOR TIKTOK, YOUTUBE OR REELS: here’s a couple of short videos you can share: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1m4FsO0uttA22iAGp07l_Hcm89NsnmySg?usp=sharing
Please tag @the_female_lead AND @tova_leigh if you post the videos