For centuries, gender inequality has persistently plagued the workplace, resulting in an average pay gap where women, working full time and year-round, earn only 83.7% of what men do. This disparity is further exacerbated for Black and Hispanic women.
However, there have been notable advancements. Previously, companies that firmly excluded women from employment opportunities are now embracing inclusivity. Remarkably, entire industries are undergoing transformation to address gender equality in the workplace. In order to commemorate this growth and examine the present state of gender equality, guest writer Gemma Williams has compiled a list of industries that have witnessed significant progress over the past few decades.
1. Coding and Technology
The tech industry is notoriously male-dominated. Yet, throughout history, women have been a key focus of this world, with coding, mathematics, and technology all benefiting from female thinking. Ada Lovelace is widely regarded as the first ever computer programmer in history and is a world-renowned mathematician. Admiral Dr. Grace Hooper, Annie Easley, and Mary Wilkes were all instrumental in pushing technology forward, too, and are certified female role models.

What we’re saying is that without women, computers and technology wouldn’t be where they are today.
Fortunately, the technology industry is starting to recognize the role of women in its progress and encouraging gender inclusivity. Around a quarter of tech jobs are currently held by women and, though this must increase, it is a step in the right direction.
“By teaching our girls to code, we’re not just preparing them to enter the workforce - we’re preparing them to lead it.” - Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code
Fortunately, there are many initiatives pushing female representation in the tech industry. Girls Who Code is just one of many non-profits that encourage the education of girls in computer programming and coding with the hope to break stereotypes and give our girls a chance to shine.
2. Business Ownership
In the US, 42% of all businesses are owned by women, which is music to our ears! It’s also been found that women are now more likely to start their own company than men, citing reasons including:
Gaining financial independence
Increasing flexibility
Pursuing their passion
Business is no longer a man’s world and if you’re a woman who wants to become a founder, you’re in good company.
Starting your own brand has never been easier, either, with online educational tools teaching you everything you need to know, and digital systems making processes simple. Online payment systems, for example, allow you to send digital invoices quickly, with almost 50% paid by the client in less than 24 hours, and most digital marketing strategies can be automated these days.
The point is, these technological advancements have opened the floor up to anyone to start a business, and women with passion, skill, and killer motivation are jumping at the opportunity.
3. Healthcare and Medicine
The healthcare industry is known for its past gender inequality, with stereotypes of male doctors and female nurses harming career expectations for children. However, things are (thankfully) changing.
As the older generation of healthcare professionals retires and the new graduates come in, there’s a shift that’s making gender inequality less prominent in this specific workforce. Now, around 37% of US active physicians are female, along with a further 44% of residents who are about to enter the medical industry, marking a move in the right direction.
There are certain areas of healthcare that are seeing a bigger boost than others. Paediatrics alongside obstetrics and gynaecology have a large female presence, while orthopaedic surgeons and sports medicine are still male-dominated.
It’s important to note, too, that racial inequality is taking prominence in healthcare. The same report found that almost 65% of active physicians were white, with only 6% of the industry roles taken by black professionals. There are still inequality battles to be had in healthcare and medicine, but the rise of women is helping to pave the way for changes elsewhere.
4. Politics and Government
Though there’s still a long way to go, gender inequality is starting to diminish in the political industry. In the 117th Congress established in 2021, women made up over a quarter of the total members, breaking historical records and marking a boost in female representation. It’s a 50% increase from just 10 years ago, showing how quickly change is happening.
Who can forget, either, that the US has a female Vice president? Kamala Harris is a champion for women in the political world as the highest-ranking female official in the history of the United States.
“While I may be the first woman in this office, I won’t be the last. Because every little girl watching tonight sees that this is a country of possibilities.” - Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States of America
As the numbers show, though, there’s still a long way to go. A quarter of Congress members is a win, but we won’t stop there! By encouraging young girls to take an interest in politics, we can hope for governments with much larger female representation in the near future.
Final Words
Gender inequality still exists in many industries - even in the areas celebrating change that we’ve mentioned here. From still not reaching true representation to wage gaps that don’t add up, we have a long way to go. But, for now, let’s celebrate how far we’ve come and look to the future with positivity - for the future is most certainly female.

GemmaWilliams works remotely from as many coffee shops as she can find. Gemma has gained experience in a number of HR roles but now turns her focus toward growing her personal brand and connecting with leading experts in the industry. Connect with her on Twitter: @GemmaWilliamsHR